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Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Banking Sector Performance A Case Study of HDFC Bank

Author(s) : Renu Susan Samuel

Volume & Issue : VOLUME 7 / 2019 , ISSUE 1

Page(s) : 25


Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are nothing new to the world. But then, they have acquired so much importance in the present decade with the increase in the intensity of competition. Though the two terms merger and acquisition have different meanings, most of the time they are used synonymously. There are two parties involved in M&As- the acquiring firm and the acquired (or target) firm. It is estimated that a large number of benefits can be derived by the acquiring firm through mergers and acquisitions if carried out efficiently. A merger should be among equals. Synergies, expansion of scale, economies of scale, operational efficiencies, diversification, market expansion, are a few benefits to mention, that accrue from M&A. M&A is much sought after in today\\\'s world as a better means of growth. Many a time even the authorities take the initiative to merge the weak or sick units which are performing financially badly with the well-performing ones and at times coercion has also been used for this purpose.


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