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Advertising Media Selection in the Tourism Industry

Author(s) : Dr. Gracious James

Volume & Issue : VOLUME 2 / 2014 , ISSUE 1

Page(s) : 7


In selecting channels for communicating to the prospective customers, there is a wide range of choices. While considering advertising media, the providers can consider high-tech possibilities involving computers or low tactics such as fliers, leaf outs and booklets. Not every advertising tactic will be appropriate for every business in every situation. The state of Kerala is one of India’s largest developed tourism destinations. The purpose of the present study is to analyze the advertising media selection process in the different tourism sectors of Kerala. The methodology undertaken has basically been to do a cross - sectored study of the advertising media selection within the different classified and non-classified tourism units in Kerala. While comparing the ‘advertising media selected’ by the different categories of tourism units, significant differences were found among the units in the case of ‘National and International Print Media, Television, Outdoor and Direct Mail advertising’.


Advertising media selection, classified and non-classified tourism units, effectiveness of advertising media


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