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Implementing CRM in Higher Education A Case Study of Université des Mascareignes (Ex-SDIM)

Author(s) : Randhir Roopchund

Volume & Issue : VOLUME 2 / 2014 , ISSUE 1

Page(s) : 9


Higher Education is globalizing and internationalizing and Mauritius seeks to become a regional hub for education. This research paper seeks to understand and evaluate the potential of implementing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) framework in higher education in Mauritius with special reference to the Université des Mascareignes (Ex-UDM). The Université des Mascareignes is one of the four public universities in Mauritius. CRM has grown in importance in the non-commercial field, as marketers have realized that, its principles can be applied for customer retention. The research paper will be highly useful as universities have not yet embarked on a full-fledged structured approach to build relationships with students. The main elements identified by the study could be used to bolster relationships and increase customer loyalty. Mauritius seeks to become a knowledge hub and consequently developing effective relationships is of paramount importance. The case of Université des Mascareignes is chosen as it is the first bilingual university in Mauritius.


CRM, Higher Education, Customer retention


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