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Lean Practices, Empowerment and Sustainability: the moderating role of Competency Mapping – Development of a Conceptual Framework

Author(s) : Soumya Subramanian and Dr. N. Ramkumar

Volume & Issue : VOLUME 4 / 2016 , ISSUE 2

Page(s) : 9


The implementation of Lean methodology can be traced back to the 1960’s with Toyota’s implementation of a production system, known as Toyota Production System (TPS), which eliminated wastes in Toyota plants. The successful implementation of lean practices not only led to reduced costs, but also to improved profits resulting from an integrated partnership in the value chain and supply chain, which led the way to sustainable development. While lean is about eliminating wasteful, non value adding activities from the system; sustainability is all about preserving the scarce resources for the future generations. Apart from manufacturing; lean is being extended to all the activities of the organization for the best results. The present paper is aimed at developing a conceptual model linking lean practices, employee empowerment and competency mapping to form a sustainable model for Human Resource Management. The proposed modelcan be subject to further empirical testing and validation.


Lean practices, Learning Organization, Employee Empowerment, Competency Mapping, Sustainable Development


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