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Marketing Orientation and Performance of Newspapers in Kerala – An Empirical Analysis

Author(s) : Vinesh Ottuparammal , Dr. B. Johnson

Volume & Issue : VOLUME 4 / 2016 , ISSUE 2

Page(s) : 7


Newspaper industry is considered as one of the important elements of Media and Entertainment industry in India. It is a circulation industry, in which two sets of consumers, of different goods, are being served by the same proprietor, and the demand for one goods depends upon the demand for the other. The performance of newspaper organizations directly depends on the extent of marketing orientation efforts undertaken by the newspaper organizations. Marketing orientation includes all the activities undertaken by the newspaper organizations to increase the circulation of newspapers and thereby the demand for advertising space. Among the different performance indicators, circulation and readership were selected for the study. It is found that there is difference in the performance of newspaper organizations on the basis of nature of ownership and all the elements of marketing orientation except reader orientation and competitor orientation significantly influence the circulation of newspaper.


Marketing orientation, market performance, performance indicators, circulation, readership


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